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Get Codiga for Visual Studio

Code snippets right in your favorite IDE.


  • Installation
  • Static Code Analysis
  • Code Snippets

The Codiga Visual Studio Extension lets you directly integrate the Coding Assistant engine in Visual Studio. There is no need to install multiple tools or wait for the pull requests: all analysis results come directly into your development environment.


The Codiga plugin is available on the Visual Studio marketplace. You can find it directly within Visual Studio, in the Extensions section.

Static Code Analysis

Get Codiga Static Code Analysis directly in your preferred IDE. All you need is our plugin and a codiga.yml file in your project's root directory.

Step 1

Run the following command in your terminal (at your project's root directory) to choose rulesets and have a codiga.yml created for you with your chosen rulesets in it.

1npx @codiga/cli@latest ruleset-add

* Requires Node.js installed.

Step 2

Check your code in your IDE in real time on every keystroke.

visual studio static code analysis step 3

Code Snippets

Insert code snippets with inline completion

Insert a comment in Visual Studio with the keywords of the code snippets you are looking for. Navigate quickly between public and private code snippets, by pressing the arrows on your keyboard. The Codiga plugin will format your code automatically.

visual studio step 1

Code Snippets Search

Find private and public code snippets within seconds with the Codiga Code Snippets search. You can filter, preview or select your favorite public and private code snippets.

visual studio step 2

Insert code snippets with shortcuts

Define shortcuts for your private or public code snippets. Press .on your keyboard, start typing the shortcut for the code snippet you need.

visual studio step 3

Open Source

The Codiga Visual Studio plugin is open-source. You can read the source code on GitHub, report bugs and contribute on the GitHub project.


Install Codiga directly from the Visual Studio marketplace.

InstallGet support on Slack

We NEVER store or use the code to train or improve our system.

Having trouble installing?

Don’t hesitate to contact us anytime! We are here for you at or join our Slack channel.

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