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Automate Code Reviews

Find coding errors in your pull requests in seconds!

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Automated Code Reviews

Lightning fast feedback on each code reviews that highlights bugs, security and maintainability issues within seconds.

Support for more than 12 languages

Support 2000+ rules across 12+ languages with specific analysis for the most popular libraries and frameworks.

Multi-branches support

Check and compare code quality and potential issues between branches.

Dependency scanning

Find outdated dependency and alerts when your dependencies need to be updated.

OWASP and CWE support

Detection of OWASP Top 10 bugs and Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE) issues

Detect leaked credentials

Detect leaked credentials in source code at each code push or pull request before it is used by an attacker.

Check good coding practices

Function length, code complexity, naming conventions: we check all these!

Code Duplicate detection

Detect when a developer duplicates code and refactor with a function.

Verify design and architecture flaws

Detect any architectural flaws in your code and get feedback in seconds

Infrastructure security analysis

Using code to deploy your infrastructure with languages such as Terraform? We detect potential security issues

CI/CD integration

Check your code quality in CircleCI, Travis-CI, GitHub action, GitLab or any other CI pipeline tool.

Code reviews done in 15 seconds, not hours.

Codiga is an advanced code review tool that gives feedback to developers within seconds, not hours. Every pull request and commit gets assessed for security vulnerabilities and coding issues. Our Average analysis time is around 15 seconds.

Creating a code snippet.

Make developers more productive.

With Codiga, developers get feedback on their code reviews in seconds, not hours. Developers can address major coding issues quickly before deploying their code in production with confidence. Teams that use Codiga save on average 2H per week per developer.

Time Saved (Hours/Month)



using codiga



saved monthly



per month*

* based on a $180K salary per year.

Works anywhere you write code

Codiga works on GitHub, GitLab and Bitbucket. Onboarding only takes a minute: log into Codiga, add your project and code reviews are automated right away. No credit card needed to get started and a free trial is available if you need to use our paid version.


Integration with your CI/CD pipeline

Merge with confidence and integrate Codiga in your CI/CD pipeline. Codiga supports major CI/CD pipeline vendors such as GitHub Action, Circle CI, Jenkins and AWS CodeBuild.

If you prefer to add your own, or if you want to integrate with custom tools, Codiga provides a command-line tool to integrate in custom workflows.

Supported CI/CD platforms.

State-of-the-art, powerful analysis engine.

Codiga supports 12+ languages and more than 2,000 analysis rules. Codiga analysis engine is updated daily with new rules, making sure it catches only what matters to you and avoid false positive.

Explore Static Analysis Rules

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