Support for more than 12 languages
Support 2000+ rules across 12+ languages with specific analysis for the most popular frameworks.
Multi-branches support
Check and compare code quality and potential issues between branches.
Dependency scanning
Find outdated dependency and alerts when your dependencies need to be updated.
OWASP and CWE support
Detection of OWASP Top 10 bugs and Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE) issues
Detect leaked credentials
Detect leaked credentials in source code at each code push or pull request before it is used by an attacker.
Check good coding practices
Function length, code complexity, naming conventions: we check all these!
Code Duplicate detection
Detect when a developer duplicates code and refactor with a function.
Verify design and architecture flaws
Detect any architectural flaws in your code and get feedback in seconds
Infrastructure security analysis
Using code to deploy your infrastructure with languages such as Terraform? We detect potential security issues
CI/CD integration
Check your code quality in CircleCI, Travis-CI, GitHub action, GitLab or any other CI pipeline tool.
Static Code Analysis made easy
Codiga is the latest generation of code analysis tool. It analyzes your code, highlights coding errors according to their category and severity. Get insights on your code base and filter the most critical coding issues within seconds.
Monitor your code quality score
Codiga offers a birds-eye view of your code quality. The Codiga dashboard reports all important metrics about your code quality, showing the overall number of code violations, duplicates long and complex functions.
The analysis view lets you navigate into the source code and inspect where issues are located in the codebase.
Seamless Integration
Codiga works on GitHub, GitLab and Bitbucket. Onboarding only takes a minute: log into Codiga, add your project and get your code analyzed in seconds.
Add your teammates to share the Codiga analysis results, keep track of your code quality over time and reduce your technical debt. No credit card is required to get started and a free trial is available if you need to use our paid version.
State-of-the-art, powerful analysis engine
Codiga supports 12+ languages and more than 2,000 analysis rules. Codiga analysis engine is updated daily with new rules, making sure it catches only what matters to you and avoid false positive. Codiga reports the following issues in your code base:
Code Violation
Security, performance, lack of documentation and adoption of best practices.
Any large code duplication is automatically flagged so that your engineer can refactor code and avoid code duplication.
Complex Functions
All functions with a high cyclomatic complexity.
Long Functions
All functions that are longer than a fixed number of lines are flagged.