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Julien Delange Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Benefits of Top 3 Static Code Analysis Tools for Python



Julien Delange, Founder and CEO

Julien is the CEO of Codiga. Before starting Codiga, Julien was a software engineer at Twitter and Amazon Web Services.

Julien has a PhD in computer science from Universite Pierre et Marie Curie in Paris, France.

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Writing efficient, reliable, and secure code is highly valued in software development.

With the popularity of Python programming language skyrocketing in recent years, it has become increasingly important for developers to ensure their code is error-free, secure, and optimized.

However, manually inspecting every line of Python code can be daunting and time-consuming. That is where static code analysis comes into play.

Static code analysis is the procedure of inspecting application source code without executing it.

It detects potential errors, security flaws, dependencies, bugs, and other issues in the codebase.

Whether you are a novice or an experienced developer, understanding the advantages of static code analysis can significantly improve your coding skills and productivity.

In this article, you will learn the benefits of using static code analysis for Python and how it can help you write better code in less time.

Benefits of Using Static Code Analysis for Python

Python applications are not immune to bugs, errors, and security vulnerabilities. This is where static code analysis comes in.

By analyzing the code of a program before it is executed, static code analysis tools can help developers identify potential issues.

This can significantly reduce the time and cost associated with debugging and maintenance, as well as improve overall code quality and performance.

We will discuss how these tools can help detect bugs early in the development cycle, improve code quality, enhance performance, increase security, and reduce development costs.

So, let's dive in and discover the benefits of using static code analysis for Python!

Benefits of Using Static Code Analysis for Python

Identify bugs in early stages:

It can help identify bugs, type checks, and common security issues early in the software development cycle, reducing the risk of expensive and time-consuming fixes later.

Enforces Coding Standards:

By enforcing coding standards, style guides, and best practices, static code analysis can help produce more maintainable code that is easier to understand and debug.

Detects Code Security issues:

It detects security vulnerabilities such as SQL injection or cross-site scripting, OWASP 10, and CWEs, and suggests ways to mitigate them.

Reduce Technical Debt:

Using static code analysis reduces technical debt by specifying code areas that are inefficient, challenging to maintain, or pose security risks.

Returns Instant Feedback:

You can get instant feedback on code improvements and alerts on external dependencies. In addition, this process can highlight areas of the code that may be difficult to read or understand, leading to better documentation and more readable code.

By performing static analysis on your python source code, you can ensure your application runs smoothly without any issues or bugs.

Top 3 Static Code Analysis Tools for Python

Python has several static code analyzers, such as Codiga, Pylint, and Prospector, to help developers identify potential problems and improve the overall code quality.

Top 3 Static Code Analysis Tools for Python

Let’s look at these tools and highlight the core features and explain how to take advantage of them for your project.


Codiga static code analysis for Pyhon

Codiga is an all-in-one solution for static code analysis. It helps developers perform static testing on Python code and other languages like JavaScript, PHP, C++, Java TypeScript, Ruby, and more.

Several other features make it a go-to solution for many organizations and developers:

  • Built-in Snippets Manager can help you create and maintain your code snippets in the cloud.
  • Integration with any CI/CD provider like GitHub actions, Circle CI, AWS, CodeBuild, and other custom pipelines.
  • Find top software vulnerabilities (CWE, OWASP 10, SANS, and MITRE CWE).
  • Get instant feedback and suggestions on code improvements in seconds.
  • Git Hook supports making it easier to fix the code before pushing it.
  • It also supports a quality monitor, which can help you to find the quality score, Technical Debt, engineering efforts, and much more.
  • Dependency scanning can help you to detect outdated libraries and gives you status like outdated or upgrade.
  • The code metrics feature can help you to find duplicates and complex or long functions.
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Overall, Codiga is a great and modern solution with a web dashboard to track the reports with ease. But let's explore other tools as well.


Pylint tool Python code analysis

Pylint is a linting python library that can help developers identify and eliminate errors in their codebase.

It has several features like:

  • Detect coding errors, bugs, and style violations.
  • Automated refactoring suggestions to improve code readability and maintainability.
  • Customizable rulesets to enforce coding standards within a team or organization.
  • Integration with tools such as IDEs (VS Code, PyCharm, and Sublime Text) for quick feedback on coding mistakes.
  • Extensibility to add custom checks or modify existing ones.
  • Easy installation with pip install pylint command.

It can be a valuable tool for developers looking to improve their Python code's quality and security.

Automating the process of identifying potential issues can help save time and reduce the cost of manual code reviews while enforcing coding standards and best practices.

It is a command line and does not have a web interface like Codiga.


Prospector static code analyzer for Python

Prospector performs static analysis on your Python code to check for code complexity, duplication, and adherence to style guidelines (e.g., PEP 8).

It uses various tools and plugins to analyze your code thoroughly.

The prospector scans your codebase and produces a report with detailed information about the identified issues.

Core features:

  • It produces detailed analysis reports.
  • It contains all the functionalities of other analysis libraries, such as Pylint, pycodestyle, pyflakes, and McCabe Complexity.
  • The pre-commit hook can help the prospector to run when making changes in a git repository.
  • It can automatically generate documentation for your code using tools like Sphinx.
  • You can integrate it with tools like Git and CI for automated reporting.
  • It is highly customizable to meet your specific needs.

It also has no web interface, but you can integrate it with other tools like Jenkins, CircleCI, GitHub, GitLab, and much more.


If you want to improve the quality of your Python code and streamline your development process, static code analysis is a must.

You learned about the benefits and some of the popular Python static analysis tools, each with strengths and weaknesses.

By incorporating these tools into your workflow, you can catch errors early on, save time, and improve the overall quality of your code.

So, don't wait any longer - start using static code analysis in your Python development today.


How can static code analysis be used to improve the quality of Python code?

It can check for secure coding style violations, incorrect indentation, or missing module docstrings and recommend improving them. Additionally, it can suggest improvements to make the code more readable and easier to understand.

Can SonarQube be used for Python?

Yes, you can use SonarQube as a static code analyzer for Python. It offers a range of functionalities that can assist you with problems with your source code, like coding mistakes, type checking, susceptibilities, code smells, and more.

What are false positives?

A false positive refers to a situation where the tool reports a potential issue in your code, but the reported issue is not a problem or not relevant to your code.

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